Archive for November, 2017|Monthly archive page

Some things…

Some things I want you to know:

  1. Friends who call with the express purpose of encouraging you and for no other reason are a godsend. 
  2. Clickety keyboards with a steampunk vibe make new offices even better. 
  3. The new “Murder on the Orient Express” movie is fantastic. 
  4. Grey, foggy, misty, cold days that have me going to work and coming home in the dark both ways take a toll on my spirit. We’re currently on day 4 of the gloomy day streak, ugh. 
  5. Greek yogurt with berries and granola is a nice way to start the day. 
  6. Bonus:  Hooray for brothers who find creative tool solutions to their sister’s odd fix-it dilemmas. Also hooray for brothers who care for their wives tenderly when they lose someone close to them. I’m blessed with both kinds of praiseworthy brothers.